The Symbolism Behind Sigma Phi Epsilon

Greek Letters

Sigma - Commonly regarded as the "rarest" type of male, a sigma male is typically denoted as an archetype of a male who is similar to the alpha male. Unlike an alpha male, sigma males are more introverted and seek to dominate themselves, in other words "self-mastery".

Phi - Represents the mathematical golden ratio 1.618/Unity – oneness, nothingness and everything at once, pure beauty. The divine proportion, a simple pattern, but it appears to be a kind of built-in numbering system throughout the cosmos. The “Perfect balance “of virtues.

Epsilon – In mathematics represents an infinitesimally small positive quantity.

I hypothesis, that when the founders were required to add an additional Greek letter to their name, as Sigma Phi was already a national fraternity, they chose Epsilon in response to the Richmond College faculties concern of attempting  to organize yet another new fraternity, with only 12 members, seven of whom were seniors. The founding fathers firmly believed that  SigEp was going be to successfully be organized by an infinitesimally small positive quantity of men.

 A small group of men who believe that self-mastery is achieved through the perfect balance of virtues.

The Colorado Gamma Chapter Pin

Is the same as the heart-shaped yellow gold founders’ badge In place of the greek letter is the modern SigEp logo and in place of the skull and crossbones is the iconic CSU Ram’s Head. The colors are Colorado State University’s green and gold. Not only does it symbolize that we are the SigEp chapter at CSU, but we are also partners in education.

The Order of Tau Alpha “A life of Leadership” Badge

The pin is presented only to Colorado Gamma Juniors who have distinguished themselves. The badge incorporates symbolism from our present and past organizations; the Tree Apes, Tau Alpha, and SigEp. The Greek symbol “Tau” meaning life or resurrection and the symbol “Alpha” meaning leader. Together   “A life of Leadership.” The interwoven Greek Letters were first were created be  the Tree Apes and used by Tau Alpha. Their interweaving  symbolizes the unbreakable bond of brotherhood. The colors Blood Red – Symbolizing the temperament of members and their passionate for the Fraternity and Funeral Black – Symbolizing the Lifelong commitment to CSU/SigEp.


The Badge

The original badge designed by the founders had the "E" added below the skull and bones after the badges were made. On subsequent badges the "E" was brought above the skull and bones to join the SF. This design, in a slightly smaller size and with twenty pearls bordering the black heart, remains the official badge today.


At the 1973 Grand Chapter Conclave in Denver, Colorado, an additional official badge was authorized. This badge is of the same size and shape as the original founder’s badge and is bordered by a band of gold. The 1973 Conclave also authorized that official badges may be made with heavy-duty gold plate, "golklad" in addition to white and yellow gold. The new founders-size badge was designed by William A. MacDonough, Virginia Epsilon (Washington and Lee University).


The Coat of Arms

Nearly all fraternities, even the smallest locals in the smallest colleges, boast a coat of arms. A heritage from the old days of feudalism and knighthood, it is an emblem which can become almost as precious to the SigEp who has the right to wear it as his heart-shaped badge. For a long time, however, Sigma Phi Epsilon displayed a coat of arms which was not heraldically correct. The original design was adopted in 1908 at the Chicago Conclave. Frederick M. Cutler, Massachusetts Alpha '30 (University of Massachusetts), called attention to the old emblem's inaccuracies. In 1933, Mark D. Wilkins, then a field secretary for the Fraternity, consulted Arthur E. DuBois, in charge of the heraldic work for the United States Government, and the new and revised coat of arms was subsequently accepted.

The badge and coat of arms are the official insignia of the Fraternity; their esoteric meaning is contained in the Ritual of the Fraternity.


The Flag

The Fraternity flag has a background of purple with a red bar extending diagonally from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, this bar fimbriated by a narrow band of gold from the purple background. In the center of the flag, mounted upon a red bar, appears a gold star of five points.

The 1955 Conclave authorized an alternative form for the official flag. In this form the Greek letters SFE are placed in the upper right corner of the regulation flag while the chapter designation is placed in the lower left corner. The purpose is for plainer identification of the flag when it is used for display.

The flag with letters is commonly called the "display flag" and the plain flag the "ritual flag." Every chapter should have a display flag and a ritual flag.


The Alumni Recognition Pin

This "Ducal Crown" (from the coat of arms) is worn as a lapel pin. In recent years this has been recognized as the alumni pin and chapters present them to graduating seniors at the annual senior banquet.


Fraternity Colors and Flowers

The Fraternity colors are purple and red. The flowers are the violet and the dark red rose.


Fraternity Whistle

The Fraternity whistle, as adopted at the 1912 Conclave, is an adaptation of the first two lines of "The Letter Song" (Nadina), from "The Chocolate Soldier," by Oscar A. Straus, an Austrian composer.


The Red Door

The tradition of the red door on Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapter houses began at Syracuse University (New York Alpha) in the 1920s. This has become a strong tradition and as you travel to other college campuses you will look for the "red door" of SigEp where you know you will be welcome.


The Heart Symbol

Designed in 1974 by Bruce N. Blackburn, Cincinnati '61, award-winning designer of the American Revolution Bicentennial symbol and NASA logo, the Fraternity's heart symbol is derived from the shape of the SigEp badge and incorporates the Greek letters SPE. But, when printed in a color other than a screen (which appears gray - never print in black), the color "warm red" is used to denote the feeling of brotherhood which it symbolizes.


The Balanced Man Pin

Concurrent with the Fraternity's development of a strategy in 1989, the Balanced Man symbol was created as an expression of the values of our Greek-letter heritage, "a Sound Mind in a Sound Body" The Balanced Man symbol was created by the international advertising firm, TBWA, whose chief executive and chairman is Sigma Phi Epsilon Brother William G. Tragos, Washington University (Missouri Beta) '56. The Balanced Man Symbol is representative of the goals of each SigEp and each of our chapters.