Understanding the Financial Obligations of Membership

Following are the 2024-2025 school-year payment amounts* and due dates:

New Member Dues/Fees - payable at bid acceptance:

·      $300 One-time SigEp lifetime membership fee

·      $400 First semester only dues

Continuing Member Dues - payable by the first day of class:

·      $525 per semester

Parlor Dues - payable by the first day of class:

·      $350 per semester

Lease and Security Deposit - payable as follows:

·      $600 Security Deposit due 30 days after joining

·      $6,000 Housing Fee (Room & Board) for Fall Semester due August 15th

·      $6,000 Housing Fee (Room & Board) for Spring Semester due January 1st

Empty Bed Fees - payable as follows:

·      not to exceed $1,000 per semester for no more than two semesters.

Leave Fee - payable as follows:

·      $150 per semester due within 2 weeks of semester commencement. but has a maximum limit of five hundred dollars ($500)

Disciplinary Fines - payable as follows:

·      a maximum limit of five hundred dollars ($500)

Unapproved late or non-payment will result in suspension after 30 days and expulsion after 60 days. Waiting for student loans or grants are not acceptable reasons for late payment of any financial obligation.

*subject to periodic change by Sigma Phi Epsilon HQ, the Chapter, or the AVC

Definition of Dues & Fees:

Lifetime Membership Fee - Cover the cost for various aspects of the national fraternity experience, including but not limited to, on-site staff support, housing and communications; a life subscription to the SigEp Journal, the official magazine of the Fraternity, is a biannual print publication.

Membership Dues are our lifeblood of every Fraternity. They form the basis of the chapter’s budget and are a direct means by which the chapter accomplishes its goals regarding housing, events and ceremonies, philanthropy outreach, social activities, promotion, recruitment, participation in intramural sports, and much more.

Parlor Fee applies to all “Non-New” Members not living in the house. “Out-of-House Members” still have the use of the house and therefore are required to pay a fair share toward its upkeep, maintenance, and capital improvements. It also includes 7 meals a week at the house (Monday night dinner, one other weeknight dinner, and weekday lunches).

Housing Agreement and Security Deposit Every member is required to live in the House/(SigEp Learning Community) for one year and must execute a Housing Agreement and pay a Security Deposit for the following academic year.  

Empty Bed Fee is charged only when the House/SLC is not at capacity. The “Empty Bed Fee” is a fee determined by calculating the difference between full occupancy income and the actual income based on the number of members who have executed agreements divided by the number of number Members who have not fulfilled their obligation to live in the house.

Leave Fee  covers the Member’s share of the Chapter liability insurance to SigEp HQ and the university IFC fees while they are on an approved leave of absence.  It applies to those Members who participate in: Study Abroad Program; Internship Program; Cooperative Educational Program; or take an AVC approved semester off school to work and attain in-state residency, medical leave, or other special circumstance.

Disciplinary Fines - Are only taken against a member who is formally convicted by the Standards Board. A conviction shall not be construed to limit their ability.