Understanding our Bid/Membership Process


1.        Due Diligence – Before rushing any fraternity we encourage you to do you own investigation into the fraternity you are considering joining. To help you understand what we (SigEp) are all about, we have put together the key information you need to make an informed decision about SigEp before rushing. Click Here, read about our philosophy and programming are, watch the introduction video. Then Click Here to understand our requirements for joining, and Click Here to see what your undergraduate experience will be like, if you choose to become a member. Finally Click Here to understand all the costs (actual & potential) associated with being a member.

Rush is where every fraternity does its due diligence into the potential new members. Rush is a two-way street, by attending an event you will meet current members, see if you values align with ours, have the opportunity to ask any questions you have. The chapter will be doing the same. Before a bid is extended, the chapter will decide if your values and intentions align with ours, we will verify that you are a full-time student at CSU and that your grades meet our minimum requirement.

2. Bid - ONLY THEN will the current undergraduate members or “Active Chapter.” extended a bid (Invitation) to join.  While a large majority of bids are extended thought the CSU FSL Rush program. SigEp does recruit year-round, So, you can reach out to us when you are ready in knowing more about becoming a member, simply fill out a Membership Interest Form.

3.      If/When you agree to become a member of SigEp you will be required to sign several forms and pay the required fees: First you will need to sign our  Membership Agreement - before you take the “Oath of Membership” and receiver the “Right of Passage.” you will need to read and execute a “Membership Agreement” affirming your commitment to the non-negotiable expectations of membership in SigEp. Please note that your parent or guardian are also required to sign the membership agreement, signifying they understand that you are joining SigEp and are willing to Co-Sign on your Housing Agreement and the other costs associated with your membership.

4.        SLC/Housing Agreement - It is important to note that SigEp is more than just a Fraternity, it’s a Learning Community and by joining you agree to be part of the SigEp Learning Community and live-in the house for a minimum of one-year. You will be required to execute your housing agreement at the same time as your Membership Agreement.

5.        Fees - Payments are required at the time of signing:

a.        $300 Headquarters One-time/Lifetime fee,

b.        $400-Chapter new member dues and your

c.        $600  SLC Housing Deposit are due at the time of signing.

                      i.         A one-time 30-day extinction on your housing deposit will be granted, if request at the time of signing.

                     ii.         Your SLC Housing Deposit is refundable only if your membership is terminated before the last day of the spring semester prior to your fall semester move-in.